Monday, March 12, 2018

It Takes Others

In February I saw Dr. Hill my oncologist and the report of the mass caused a prognosis of implementing stents in ureter and colon, There are not words to describe how uncomfortable this month with those two stents has been. But, they are there for a reason and so far have done what they were created to do. But, I have often thought about the person who came up with the solution. Oh well, I won't write much about it, but if we ever talk face to face I can go on and on!

Early March I saw Dr. Hill again. Even though I had understood not to have chemo treatment until after surgery, he ordered me a round for the next day. So one down 11 to go. I will see him weeks after surgery and he will set me up a routine of chemo again.

Exodus 17:12
When Moses' hands grew tired, they took a stone and put it under him and he sat on it. Aaron and Hur held his hands up - one on one side, one on the other - so that his hands remained steady til sunset.

I am two nights away from waking up to surgery. My surgery will be sometime on Wednesday, March 14. This has been such a time of struggle, fear, and surrender. A time of dependence on others to do for me. I realize I do have or should I say DID have trouble asking others for help. But God has taken this circumstance to teach me how. Many times I don't have to ask, someone shows up with food or fingernail polish or a telephone call or a text or a hug and I am able to make it through the day.

Just creating an agenda for days before and after surgery included so many people: here is the run down and heartfelt appreciation to them all.

Monday evening - my friend Sondra will get me, take me to her house where I will spend the night. She will then take me to Birmingham, AL to UAB for a 1:00 pm preop appointment. She will hand me off to Kacy (my daughter) and I will be with her and family Tuesday night doing all the fun prep drink activity.

 Back on the home front, Charles' son Brian will stay with him Monday night. His daughter, Brooke will pick him up and bring him to Birmingham for surgery. They will stay several nights and days, and Brooke will bring Charles back home and Brian will take over.

I am still not sure what time on Wednesday the surgery will commence, but I am trusting God it will be the right time.  Nor am I sure how long I will be in the hospital post surgery - but again my trust is in God alone.

Upon hospital dismissal, I will go back to Kacy's house for several days. We felt it would help to be in Birmingham in case a situation arises.

Hopefully around March 21-22 I will be again picked up by my friend Sondra and transported home. Charles' sister, Pat, will be staying with us for several days. As a retired nurse, she is so gracious to be here when questions, fears, and or pain arises.

So, as you can readily see...this adventure is going to be less stressful to me with all the help of others. I feel like Moses. Others are holding me up, caring for me, and seeing me through. Please stop and pray for those who are giving of themselves and for those who are not as blessed as I am to have help in times of need. When I return to better heath I pray God will use me to help others in need.

How fortunate I am. I have so many people who contact me daily with declaration of praying for me. What peace I receive with the reality that God is hearing all those prayers and continues to work toward my healing. Here are a few requests to add:

1. Jerry Riley, has moved to another facility for rehab. Still having trouble with eating. Pray that the stomach cramps will not plague him anymore.

2. My son Brandon, has mono. Pray for his health and strength,

3. Lily Baker who has 83 more weeks to go in her treatment. She is four.

Saturday, February 3, 2018

My Grace is Sufficient

The last few months have be racked with pain and fear. But as usual God has stayed very close. I want to share where I am in this battle with stage 4 colon cancer.

When I thought about starting this blog the title "Three Times a Charm" came to my mind for I had just learned I would be starting my third round of chemo mid February. My CEA
(A carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) test is a blood test used to help diagnose and manage certain types of cancers. The CEA test is used especially for cancers of the large intestine and rectum. You doctor can also use the test results to help determine if a cancer treatment is working.) has again risen to 201 (optimal is 0-4) I have been off of chemo for 6-7 months. Dr. Julian Hill ordered a CAT scan that revealed a 3.5 centimeter mass pushing on the left tube leading from my kidney to bladder. Two days later I had a colonoscopy that also indicated the mass was pushing on my colon and causing an obstruction.

As you read this matter of fact report, please know my head and heart were not this calm. Let me tell you more.

As I said, I thought about Three Times a Charm as my title until I read 2 Corinthians 12:7-9 "I was given a thorn in my flesh, a messenger of Satan, to torment me. Three times I pleaded with the Lord to take it away from me. But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."

The thorn - cancer in my body!

I knew he was leading me to decide...will I settle for a old saying or will I stand on his word! I chose his word. He knew in advance that I would find myself right here, right now, in pain and fear. But the peace started washing over me as I realized nothing is happening to me that has not gone through His Hands. All good things come from Him. Cancer good?? No, but I will know one day the good that came from it. OK...this could be a whole other post. I will save it.

Since the reality of the CAT SCAN things have been rolling. Dr. Hill referred me to Dr. Kalish (urologist in Tupelo). He believed that I might need a stent into my kidney to ensure it empties and doesn't get  unhealthy. Dr. Huey, the Digestive Health specialist who preformed my colonoscopy suggested I get a colostomy. If you just shucked in your breath...believe me I have not been able to think about it, talk about it and for sure write about it.

I checked with all doctors I have had care for me the last 4 years. They all concluded that I should listen to the advice of the expert, but that they did not do that type of surgery. I laid in bed and wondered what was next.

Monday I met the urologist, Dr. Kalish, and he got me thinking. He asked was I going back to Jackson where I had my original surgery 4 years ago. He went on to say, with your surgical history and what you have been through, you may want to think about going to UAB or somewhere that specializes in colerectal surgery. He scheduled me for stent implant on Monday.

It was on! The next morning I Googled doctors at UAB in the department. I came across Dr. Jamie Cannon. Her video gave me an insight that if she could repair my colon without a colostomy she would. I had to be referred. They said the referral process would take at least 10 days. I called Huey on Tuesday. He referred me.

Last night was one of those extreme in pain episodes. I pleaded for relief. I asked that it would not be too many days until I heard from her office. I had a phone call this morning! I am her patient. She wanted to see me on Monday...yep two places to be on the same day. I felt led to get to UAB as fast as I could. My stent procedure was moved to next Thursday.

This leaves me with a final thought. It took more that a charm to orchestrate all of this. So many issues, so many prognoses,so many doctors. But the Great Physician is guiding all of this. As His word says...HIS GRACE IS SUFFICIENT. Sustaining grace that meets us in our need and gives us wisdom, strength and courage. This sustaining grace doesn't promise there will not be struggles, but it promises God's presence.

Prayer request:
1. Jerry Riley is battling leukemia. Pray for his healing.
2. Denise, a friend of Elaine Ashcraft is having extreme nauesea from her cancer chemo. Pray for supernatural relief and healing.
3. Bro. Bubba Dees has had a reoccurence. Pray for healing.
4. Pray for my healing.

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Doing Cancer Fearlessly

Yesterday as I was preparing to get number 4 treatment (after not being able to last week...explain later) I met Emily Braddock Jones. She too was waiting to get started!! What a pleasure. What a smile! What life...what JOY!!!! (Her fight is in to year 4!)

She Charles and I chatted all the hours we were there. We found out she has written several books, from West Point but now lives in Starkville and has a look on life that is contagious.

Waking up pretty early this morning...thanks Decadron...I started reading her second book that she graciously gave to Charles and me. Aging Fearlessly Such a quick read...good tips...witty text!!! If you would like one...let me know and I will connect you to her! So, thus my title...sorry Emily, hope this is not close to plagiarism! But Doing Cancer Fearlessly came to my mind.

One of the quotes from her book really grabbed me.

     "There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle.
       The other is as though everything is a miracle." - Albert Einstein

Let me catch you up from my last post. I pray you all had a great Christmas and New Year as I did. My third treatment was December 28, 2016. I was then looking forward (liar, liar, pants on fire) to January 11 for number 4. But then disappointment. My white blood count went down to 900. They like it to be 1500 for treatment. So I was sent home with instructions to rest, and stay away from germs. (They did not give me a nupregin shot for some reason, so home I went.) Here is wear the miracles started...

I stayed put in my house for a week...took zinc after spending time searching remedies on Google. Rest, rest, rest. Did not clean my commodes...LOL.

When I got to Cancer Care yesterday, I knew it was going to be a full day. I was already scheduled for an AFTER 4 Treatments CAT Scan, appointment with Dr. Hill and now Chemo added to the agenda.

They started my blood work to see if I was a candidate...and guess what...Miracle 1. It had gone up to 1600!!! Chemo on the agenda sticks. But first I had to walk next door for CAT Scan. Got back and started the bags that flow through me for day one.

But remember, Emily is facing me in the chair across from me. We laughed, we talked, we prayed, we told our cancer stories, connected with old friends (she and Charles both went to Ole Miss). The hours went by.

Then they came to get me for my doctor appointment. I pushed my chemo laden pole around the corner to visit with Dr. Hill. Charles, as my bodyguard. He is so funny. Wants to be sure I ask the questions we have discussed. Wants to be sure Dr. Hill listens to me. Wants me well.

Miracle 2: the CEA Tumor marker went down from 242 - December 21st to 73 reported from January 11. WHOOO HOOO (It needs to be 0-4.0) We will get there!!!

Miracle 3: Dr. Hill shared the CAT Scan results. Two tumors in my liver have shrunk. Tumor in/on my left kidney has shrunk. Right kidney is unremarkable. (still love that term) Lymph node that was not HOT (remember last post?) has shrunk. There were a lot of "NO" statements. Awesome! I will see him again February 14th.

Back to my chemo lounge and Emily, plus the other clients that have arrived. I left with my fanny pack of 5-FU (I know what just went through your mind...come back! LOL) Charles and I went to eat and home. From the time I got home til I finally went to bed (with medicinal help) it was an awful night...tears and fears. (Even after good news cancer is a dirty handed fighter.) Charles spent time speaking life and love over me. My children each called with words of encouragement and love.

Pray for those who don't have a cheerleader in their court. You be a cheerleader for someone you know plagued with cancer. Visit a cancer care center in your area and ask to sit with someone who is alone. final miracle to report. In my last post I asked for three main requests. You prayed for me. Please let this help build your faith!

From Take Two: Here are my three main prayer request right now:

1. That the medicine won't have the same effect on my hands and feet. That this time I won't face neuropothy.
My hands have had no effect. After a week I can drink cold water!
 2. Not as big a deal...but sometimes colon cancer chemo does not cause hair to fall out - that would be a plus.
My hair has not thinned at all up to now!!!
3. Third, that I would be able to bring joy and comfort to those around me as we watch the drip enter out bodies.
Keep this one front and center! To give must possess joy. This is often hard to muster. But, Weeping may last through the night, but joy comes with the morning. ‎Psalm 30:6

Wednesday, November 16, 2016


Scene 1: Patient is waiting in the dim lighted room as the nuclear medicine moves through her body over 45 minutes. The radiologist moves her to the PET SCAN machine and explains how the 20 - 30 minute procedure will run. She lays down on the flat surface, head on a pillow and knees at an angle on a wedge. The radiologist moves to his safe encased area and looks out the window at the patient and begins the procedure.

Yep...that was me laying there. I prayed for courage. I prayed that the final report would not be as bad as the CAT scan had indicated. I prayed that the next time I had a PET SCAN I would be free of any "sparkles" that indicate HOT SPOTS or cancer!

Scene 2: After the procedure, Charles and I went and had a great lunch together. Just as in a movie, we acted as if it was a regular day and we were regular folks on a regular trip to Tupelo. We didn't even talk about what the possibilities could be ahead. It was wonderful!

Scene 3: Arrive at Hematology and Oncology. Patients were coming in and out. Some with a faint smile when I said "hello." Some with that far away look that reminded me of what chemo therapy does. Waiting room 1  - 15 minutes. Waiting room 2 - 90 minutes Individual room with doctor - 10 minutes.

Scene 4: My wonderful oncologist, Dr. Julian Hill entered the room with a copy of the PET Scan results. Where my CAT scan indicated something in an aortic lymph node - (cue dramatic music) there was nothing!!! Where my CAT scan indicated a third place on my liver - (cue dramatic music) there was none!!! Where I once had a hot spot in my lung - yep you guessed it...(cue dramatic music) the radiation did its job. No longer HOT!

The two spots on my liver that I have had since day one - are HOT! (Don't you love that lingo for cancer)
One hotter than the other. Just as my new obgyn oncologist had thought - colon cancer cells had moved in to my uterus and set up shop. Also, there is something that has developed close or on my urethra. Both of these new occurrences are consistent with colon cancer.

Scene 5: I look at Charles to get a smile about the good news, and to look for comfort about the other. I got both. Dr. Hill said, "Let's get you in remission again!" So, the week after Thanksgiving I will be directed in the sequel of my first movie, "Colon Cancer on the Run!"

I look forward to meeting my supporting cast.

OK - seriously, the chemo therapy will be as last time. Twelve treatments, every two weeks. Avastin to chase down the irregular cells and cut the blood supply off from them.

Here are my three main prayer request right now:

1. That the medicine won't have the same effect on my hands and feet. That this time I won't face neuropothy.
 2. Not as big a deal...but sometimes colon cancer chemo does not cause hair to fall out - that would be a plus.
3. Third, that I would be able to bring joy and comfort to those around me as we watch the drip enter out bodies.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

There are No Politics in Cancer

This morning waking up after election day, I had a nonsensical thought! What if I could vote not to have cancer?

The way it stands now - that option is not available. The only vote I have is to take Chemo and fight or not and see what happens. That is a no brainer!

Let me back up and get you caught up on my campaign trail. August 2014 I was diagnosed with Stage IV colon cancer. I had surgery in September of 14 and started chemo in October 14. I completed the chemo and avastin in July 14. Through out the last two years, I have had ablation on the spots on my liver in March of 16 and radiation on a spot on my lung in August 16. Many CAT Scans, a couple of PET Scans and here I find myself in the race again.

From August through October I have not felt my best! Doctors have passed me around (I AM VERY GRATEFUL!!!) to those who they feel are the expert in what ails me!

Yesterday after a CAT Scan, Dr. Hill prescribed a PET Scan for next Tuesday. I have a new place in an aortic lymph node, a new spot on my liver at the intersection of the flaps, and it seems it has mastitised to my cervix. (The wonderful new doctor on my team, Dr. Paul Seago from Madison, MS voiced that the occurrence was very rare.) The PET Scan will better show the places of activity!

A coworker of mine came in my office this morning and spoke words of encouragement and motivation. He reminded me of how tolerant my body was of the chemo treatment the first time. So, I will sit on that remembrance for sure. For like it or not...another round of chemo likely is in the near future.

Here is why I have voted to continue this race!
1 Charles
2. My children
3. My grandchildren
4. My first great grandchild who is due in April of 17.
5. New people I will meet at Cancer Care...seeing those I already know...remembering those who  
    have lost their election.
6. My coworkers - even though I retire in 27 days, they will always mean so much to me.
7. To be the hands and feet of Jesus until he calls me home.

I have not been intentional when it comes to adding to this blog, but something got me started this morning and I hope to continue through the next part of this journey.

I will not die but live and declare the works of the Lord. Psalm 118:17

Monday, March 28, 2016

Cancer - Take Two!

 As Colon Cancer Awareness Month comes to a close, please don't forget to be checked!

On April 22, 2015 I took my last chemo treatment. Almost a year!

In early March, an appointment was made to have a CAT Scan to wrap this cancer journey up!! Charles was with me when the doctor told me it looked like a spot on my lung. He was not real worried about it, said it was not consistent with colon cancer, but he ordered a PET Scan to be sure.

On March 10, I had the PET Scan that gave the results. Lung - No Problem! But two lesions were found on my liver. I am so grateful Dr. Hill pushed to find out about the lung...if not, my liver would have gone undetected.

When Colon cancer escapes the colon, it can metastasis in liver. Having Stage IV colon cancer, I am blessed that it is only in my liver.

So...detour up ahead. I was sent to the Premier Intervention Radiology Clinic. 
Dr. Jeffery Howard is an intervention radiologist. And I believe also, a radiology oncologist. Whew. He will preform an microwave ablation on Wednesday, March 30, 2016. I understood from the nurse, that he has been using this treatment for about a year. (Click on the link to find out more about the a nutshell, he is going to ZAP! my liver with radiation by going inside with the instrument.)

I realize now I had blocked out putting out an update because the reality of having this re-occurrence makes it real. But, as a precious friend pointed out to would my friends and prayer warriors know to pray!!!???

Thank you for keeping me in your thoughts and prayers. I will keep you posted on this wonderful newer form of treatment.

Just as with me, many of my Cancer Peeps who were in treatment with me are also back at it.

Please pray for:
 Loraine - colon cancer metastasized to lymph nodes
Charles G - metastasized to liver
Mr. T - Colon Cancer re-occurred.

Monday, March 16, 2015

Nasty Ninth Treatment

Hello to you all!

It is hard for me to complain too much, but for a moment I will!!! The nurses told a truth that  the treatments tend to be cumulative...which ultimately means they get worse as it gets closer to the end.

Well...closer to the end I am! Just finished number 9! The week-end was a bit Yucky for me. Bed and more bed. I would get up only to have to go back and lie down. But. I have three to go! I think I can! I think I can! I think I can!

I shouldn't complain or whine about how I feel. Last week on day two of my treatment I met with Dr. Julian Hill, my oncologist. He shared the CAT scan report from my mid-way scan. The lymph nodes under right underarm...are consistent with benign tumors. YEA!! Not an issue there.

He went on to talk about my liver. The lesions are 4.2 cm or 2 cm and "inactive", no change which is consistent with a cyst. Dr. Hill feels there will be NO SURGERY on my liver! I cried all the way from the clinic to Subway. I'm sure they thought I was having a break down!! How grateful I am for all the prayers that have been sent to God's Throne on my behalf.

No new occurrence of  tumors in my pancreas, pelvic area, stomach, etc etc etc are clean! Thank you Dr. Philip Ley for the surgery you completed on my to rid me of a lot of over flow from my colon tumor!!!

Dr. Hill explained that after the chemo I will continue with the drug avastin. The final treatment will be to go to Cancer Care and receive Avastin (which I have been taking twice a month with Chemo) ONCE A MONTH for SIX MONTHS!!! Dr. Hill said my hair would start growing back and the tingle in my hands and feet and mouth will go away!!! I can't wait to drink a cold glass of water!!!

I have had such a journey these last seven months. I have met some amazing people. I have watched selfless friends cook for me, stay with me, encourage me, support me...I could go on and on. My prayer is for those who are not getting the same outcome as me. I want everyone who is going through cancer to be healed...from young to old. It is a terrible disease. But. I did have a comforting thought several weeks ago. I realized CANCER would not kill me...God would just say, "It's time for you to come on home!" For HE is in control.

We are half way through Colon Cancer Awareness Month. I will continue to stand on my band wagon and encourage you to "get checked." And you young folk...even though they don't push screening until 50, I have  read many reports of the loss of young people due to colon cancer...because they didn't get screened. Listen to your body...don't ignore an uncomfortable feeling in your 'gut'! Don't assume seeing blood in your stool is because of hemorrhoids.  (Gosh...I can talk about this topic without blushing now!) Please don't wait. I did not have symptoms until two months before discovery. Dr. Hill felt I had had it over two years! The sooner the better!

Thank you for taking time to catch up with me! I am looking forward to some spring breezes, green grass, and holding babies!!!